Articles in peer-reviewed journals
- 2009: “Mindfulness approaches to childbirth and parenting” in the British Journal of Midwifery
- 2009: “A Model of Mindful Parenting: Implications for Parent–Child Relationships and Prevention Research.” in the Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review
- 2010: “Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting Education (MBCP): Promoting Family Mindfulness During the Perinatal Period” in the Journal of Child and Family Studies
- 2012: “A mindfulness approach to antenatal preparation” in the British Journal of Midwifery
- 2013: “Mindfulness in maternity” in the British Journal of Midwifery
- 2014: “Mind in labor: Effects of mind/body training on childbirth appraisals and pain medication use during labor” [abstract] in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
- 2014: “Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP): A health promotion model for childbirth education” in the International Journal of Birth & Parent Education
- 2015: “Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP): Innovation in birth preparation to support healthy, happy families” in the International Journal of Birth & Parent Education
- 2016: “Mindfulness in Maternity: Evaluation of a Course for Midwives” in the British Journal of Midwifery
- 2016: “‘I’ve Changed My Mind,’ Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP) for pregnant women with a high level of fear of childbirth and their partners: study protocol of the quasi-experimental controlled trial” in BMC Psychiatry
- 2017: “CenteringPregnancy With Mindfulness Skills: Enhancing the Thread of Presence” in The CenteringPregnancy® Model (pp. 188-202)
- 2017: “Benefits of preparing for childbirth with mindfulness training: a randomized controlled trial with active comparison” in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth